Eliminate The Root Cause of Sleep Apnea
CPAP therapy is an effective way to address the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but many patients find their machine inconvenient and uncomfortable. Plus, a CPAP cannot provide a permanent solution to sleep-disordered breathing. Fortunately, alternative therapies are available. One is the innovative Vivos system. This remarkable protocol non-surgically addresses the anatomical abnormalities that cause OSA. Dr. Gutschow is proud to be a Vivos-trained medical professional.
Your Jaw and Sleep Apnea
One common culprit behind obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the failure of the jaw to develop properly. Maxillary hypoplasia is a term that refers to the underdevelopment of the upper jaw. Mandibular retrognathia defines a lower jaw that is set too far back. Both of these conditions can result in a compromised upper airway and lead to repeated pauses in breathing that define obstructive sleep apnea.
How Vivos works
Vivos is a nonsurgical method for correcting maxillary hypoplasia and mandibular retrognathia. It uses a daytime-nighttime appliance (DNA) system to apply gentle pressure to the palate, gradually expanding it to correct maxillary hypoplasia. It may also involve using a mandibular repositioning-nighttime appliance (mRNA) to train the lower jaw to rest correctly.
Together, the DNA and mRNA remodel and reposition the jawbone, so it no longer affects the upper airway. After you finish your therapy with the Vivos system, you should be able to sleep soundly every night without the use of a CPAP machine.
The Therapy Process
If you would like to take advantage of the Vivos system, your journey will begin with an in-depth medical consultation and some diagnostic tests. These tests may include a home sleep study, a CBCT scan, a head and neck examination, and more. The data collected from them will let us know whether the Vivos system would be a viable CPAP alternative for you. It will also help us map out your personalized therapy plan.
If you are a candidate for Vivos, you’ll wear your custom oral appliances as instructed by Dr. Gutschow. On average, Vivos therapy lasts for 12 to 24 months. You’ll visit Dr. Gutschow periodically throughout that period so she can adjust your appliances and monitor your progress. We currently utilize Vivos menthol, among other methods.
Benefits of VIVOS
The Vivos system offers numerous benefits, including:
- The appliances are comfortable
- The devices are nearly invisible
- The Vivos system is non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical, which means it is an extremely low-risk therapy
- You may begin to notice results within the first few days or weeks of therapy
- Vivos permanently addresses one of the leading causes of OSA
- After completing the Vivos protocol, many patients no longer require any type of OSA therapy